



AP Exclusive: First gene-edited babies claimed in China

HONG KONG (AP) — A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world’s first genetically edited babies — twin girls born this month whose DNA he said he altered with a powerful new tool capable of rewriting the very blueprint of life.
香港(美联社) —— 一位中国研究者宣称他帮助获得了世界上首例基因编辑婴儿——一对双胞胎女孩出生在这个月,他说他用一种强大的新工具改变了她们的DNA,这种工具可以重写生命的蓝图。

If true, it would be a profound leap of science and ethics.

A U.S. scientist said he took part in the work in China, but this kind of gene editing is banned in the United States because the DNA changes can pass to future generations and it risks harming other genes.

Many mainstream scientists think it’s too unsafe to try, and some denounced the Chinese report as human experimentation.

The researcher, He Jiankui of Shenzhen, said he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one pregnancy resulting thus far. He said his goal was not to cure or prevent an inherited disease, but to try to bestow a trait that few people naturally have — an ability to resist possible future infection with HIV, the AIDS virus.

He said the parents involved declined to be identified or interviewed, and he would not say where they live or where the work was done.

Video: https://youtu.be/C9V3mqswbv0
A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world’s first gene-edited babies. But not everyone supports this controversial experiment. (Nov. 26)

There is no independent confirmation of He’s claim, and it has not been published in a journal, where it would be vetted by other experts. He revealed it Monday in Hong Kong to one of the organizers of an international conference on gene editing that is set to begin Tuesday, and earlier in exclusive interviews with The Associated Press.
目前还没有独立的证据来证实他的说法,他也没有在杂志上发表(在学术刊发成果可受到来自其他专家的审查,DNA百科网注:即同行评审,peer review)。他星期一在香港向一个基因编辑国际会议组织者透露了这一点,该会议将于星期二开始,早些时候在美联社完成独家采访。

“I feel a strong responsibility that it’s not just to make a first, but also make it an example,” He told the AP. “Society will decide what to do next” in terms of allowing or forbidding such science.

Some scientists were astounded to hear of the claim and strongly condemned it.

It’s “unconscionable … an experiment on human beings that is not morally or ethically defensible,” said Dr. Kiran Musunuru, a University of Pennsylvania gene editing expert and editor of a genetics journal.
这是“不合理的…”宾夕法尼亚大学基因编辑专家和遗传学杂志编辑Kiran Musunuru博士说,“这是一项在道德上或伦理上无法辩护人类的实验。”

“This is far too premature,” said Dr. Eric Topol, who heads the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California. “We’re dealing with the operating instructions of a human being. It’s a big deal.”
“这太过早了(草率),”加利福尼亚 Scripps转化医学研究所 所长Eric Topol博士说,“我们处理的是一位人类的‘操作指令’。这是个及其重大的事情。”

However, one famed geneticist, Harvard University’s George Church, defended attempting gene editing for HIV, which he called “a major and growing public health threat.”
然而,一位著名的遗传学家,哈佛大学的乔治·丘奇(George Church),为试图对HIV进行基因编辑(的行为)辩护,他称之为“一个重大且日益增长的公共卫生威胁”。

“I think this is justifiable,” Church said of that goal.

In recent years scientists have discovered a relatively easy way to edit genes, the strands of DNA that govern the body. The tool, called CRISPR-cas9, makes it possible to operate on DNA to supply a needed gene or disable one that’s causing problems.

It’s only recently been tried in adults to treat deadly diseases, and the changes are confined to that person. Editing sperm, eggs or embryos is different — the changes can be inherited. In the U.S., it’s not allowed except for lab research. China outlaws human cloning but not specifically gene editing.

He Jiankui (HEH JEE’-an-qway), who goes by “JK,” studied at Rice and Stanford universities in the U.S. before returning to his homeland to open a lab at Southern University of Science and Technology of China in Shenzhen, where he also has two genetics companies.
贺建奎(HEH JEE’-an-qway),也被称作“JK”,他在美国的莱斯(Rice)大学和斯坦福大学学习过,回国后在深圳的中国南方科技大学开设实验室,并在深圳拥有两家基因公司。

The U.S. scientist who worked with him on this project after He returned to China was physics and bioengineering professor Michael Deem, who was his adviser at Rice in Houston. Deem also holds what he called “a small stake” in — and is on the scientific advisory boards of — He’s two companies.
在贺建奎回到中国后,与他一起参与这个项目的美国科学家是物理和生物工程学教授Michael Deem,是贺在位于休斯敦的莱斯大学的导师(or 顾问)。Deem 还在贺的两家公司里持有他所谓的“小股份”——他是两家公司的科学顾问委员会成员。

The Chinese researcher said he practiced editing mice, monkey and human embryos in the lab for several years and has applied for patents on his methods.

He said he chose embryo gene editing for HIV because these infections are a big problem in China. He sought to disable a gene called CCR5 that forms a protein doorway that allows HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to enter a cell.

All of the men in the project had HIV and all of the women did not, but the gene editing was not aimed at preventing the small risk of transmission, He said. The fathers had their infections deeply suppressed by standard HIV medicines and there are simple ways to keep them from infecting offspring that do not involve altering genes.

Instead, the appeal was to offer couples affected by HIV a chance to have a child that might be protected from a similar fate.

He recruited couples through a Beijing-based AIDS advocacy group called Baihualin. Its leader, known by the pseudonym “Bai Hua,” told the AP that it’s not uncommon for people with HIV to lose jobs or have trouble getting medical care if their infections are revealed.
贺建奎通过北京一个名为Baihualin的艾滋病宣传组织招募了一些夫妇。它的领导人,以笔名“Bai Hua”而闻名,告诉美联社说,如果艾滋病毒感染者被发现,他们失去工作或难以获得医疗保健的情况并不罕见。

Here is how He described the work:

The gene editing occurred during IVF, or lab dish fertilization. First, sperm was “washed” to separate it from semen, the fluid where HIV can lurk. A single sperm was placed into a single egg to create an embryo. Then the gene editing tool was added.

When the embryos were 3 to 5 days old, a few cells were removed and checked for editing. Couples could choose whether to use edited or unedited embryos for pregnancy attempts. In all, 16 of 22 embryos were edited, and 11 embryos were used in six implant attempts before the twin pregnancy was achieved, He said.

Tests suggest that one twin had both copies of the intended gene altered and the other twin had just one altered, with no evidence of harm to other genes, He said. People with one copy of the gene can still get HIV, although some very limited research suggests their health might decline more slowly once they do.

Several scientists reviewed materials that He provided to the AP and said tests so far are insufficient to say the editing worked or to rule out harm.

They also noted evidence that the editing was incomplete and that at least one twin appears to be a patchwork of cells with various changes.

“It’s almost like not editing at all” if only some of certain cells were altered, because HIV infection can still occur, Church said.

Church and Musunuru questioned the decision to allow one of the embryos to be used in a pregnancy attempt, because the Chinese researchers said they knew in advance that both copies of the intended gene had not been altered.
丘奇(Church)和 Musunuru 对允许其中一个胚胎用于妊娠尝试的决定表示怀疑,因为中国研究人员事先知道他们想要的基因的两个拷贝都没有改变。

“In that child, there really was almost nothing to be gained in terms of protection against HIV and yet you’re exposing that child to all the unknown safety risks,” Musunuru said.

The use of that embryo suggests that the researchers’ “main emphasis was on testing editing rather than avoiding this disease,” Church said.

Even if editing worked perfectly, people without normal CCR5 genes face higher risks of getting certain other viruses, such as West Nile, and of dying from the flu. Since there are many ways to prevent HIV infection and it’s very treatable if it occurs, those other medical risks are a concern, Musunuru said.

There also are questions about the way He said he proceeded. He gave official notice of his work long after he said he started it — on Nov. 8, on a Chinese registry of clinical trials.

It’s unclear whether participants fully understood the purpose and potential risks and benefits. For example, consent forms called the project an “AIDS vaccine development” program.

The Rice scientist, Deem, said he was present in China when potential participants gave their consent and that he “absolutely” thinks they were able to understand the risks.

Deem said he worked with He on vaccine research at Rice and considers the gene editing similar to a vaccine.

“That might be a layman’s way of describing it,” he said.

Both men are physics experts with no experience running human clinical trials.

The Chinese scientist, He, said he personally made the goals clear and told participants that embryo gene editing has never been tried before and carries risks. He said he also would provide insurance coverage for any children conceived through the project and plans medical follow-up until the children are 18 and longer if they agree once they’re adults.

Further pregnancy attempts are on hold until the safety of this one is analyzed and experts in the field weigh in, but participants were not told in advance that they might not have a chance to try what they signed up for once a “first” was achieved, He acknowledged. Free fertility treatment was part of the deal they were offered.

He sought and received approval for his project from Shenzhen Harmonicare Women’s and Children’s Hospital, which is not one of the four hospitals that He said provided embryos for his research or the pregnancy attempts.

Some staff at some of the other hospitals were kept in the dark about the nature of the research, which He and Deem said was done to keep some participants’ HIV infection from being disclosed.

“We think this is ethical,” said Lin Zhitong, a Harmonicare administrator who heads the ethics panel.
“我们认为这是合乎道德的,”Lin Zhitong说,他是一名和美医疗负责人,医学伦理小组成员。

Any medical staff who handled samples that might contain HIV were aware, He said. An embryologist in He’s lab, Qin Jinzhou, confirmed to the AP that he did sperm washing and injected the gene editing tool in some of the pregnancy attempts.
贺建奎说,任何处理可能含有艾滋病毒的样本的医务人员都已被告知。贺建奎实验室的胚胎学家Qin Jinzhou向美联社证实,他进行了精子清洗,并在一些妊娠尝试(实验中的胚胎细胞)中注射了基因编辑工具。

The study participants are not ethicists, He said, but “are as much authorities on what is correct and what is wrong because it’s their life on the line.”
贺建奎说,研究的参与人不是伦理学家,但是“对于什么是正确的,什么是错误的,他们同样具有权威性,因为他们冒着性命风险。”(DNA百科网注:it’s their life on the line类似于Put/Lay their lives on the line,有悬命一线的意思)

“I believe this is going to help the families and their children,” He said. If it causes unwanted side effects or harm, “I would feel the same pain as they do and it’s going to be my own responsibility.”


AP Science Writer Christina Larson, AP videographer Emily Wang and AP translator Fu Ting contributed to this report from Beijing and Shenzhen, China.
美联社科学作家Christina Larson,美联社摄影师Emily Wang和美联社翻译Fu Ting,在中国北京和深圳为这份报告作出了贡献。

This Associated Press series was produced in partnership with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
这个美联社系列(Associated Press series)是与霍华德·休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)的科学教育部合作制作的。美联社对所有内容负责。


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